Mediterranean diseases

Mediterranean diseases

A word that causes panic
Summertime is tick time. And therefore also THE season for the so-called Mediterranean or travel illnesses.

There are three motion sicknesses that can be easily treated if they are recognized in time, even if opinions among veterinary doctors differ on this point.

Such an illness CAN be a death sentence,

but she doesn't have to.

This also applies to a bunch of other diseases.

in Babes

Babesia are transmitted by ticks. The main vector in Germany is the riparian tick.

Canine Babesias do not pose a threat to humans.

Since the riparian forest tick spread to various regions of Germany, a sharp increase in diseases has been observed in dogs that have never left Germany.


Ehrlichia canis is a bacterium that is transmitted by the brown dog tick.

It originally comes from Africa and is now widespread throughout southern Europe.

North of the Alps it occurs through introduction in summer, but can occur all year round in heated facilities such as apartments, dog kennels and animal shelters.


It is usually transmitted to dogs via ticks.

Many dogs in this country are infected with anaplasma but do not develop any clinical symptoms.

If the diagnosis is made in a timely manner, treatment is unproblematic.

Lyme disease

Insidious and difficult to diagnose

Borrelia are bacteria that belong to the spiral-shaped spirochetes. A tick bite can cause Lyme disease in dogs.

Not every tick on a dog contains Borrelia. The frequency of infectious ticks varies regionally in this country, which is why the risk for dogs varies depending on the area in which they live.

Since Lyme disease symptoms in dogs are rather unspecific and develop over a long period of time, the diagnosis usually occurs late. It is all the more important that dog owners act quickly in the event of suspicion and contact the veterinarian. This reduces the risk of long-term consequences such as kidney inflammation or joint diseases. To successfully combat the pathogens, therapy lasting several weeks for at least a month without interruption is advisable.

Dirofilaria (Herzwurm)

Heartworm or Dirofilaria immitis is a parasitic roundworm transmitted by mosquitoes.

The parasite is transmitted via mosquitoes.

There are very good medications against heartworms, but these should only be administered in consultation with a veterinarian, as in the event of a severe infestation, the dying worms can lead to organ failure.


The most common route of transmission is through the bite of a sandfly.

However, in exceptional cases it is also possible for a leishmaniasis-positive dog to transmit the pathogens to healthy, i.e. uninfected, members of the same species, for example in the context of a bite. There are also other transmission routes, e.g. B. through mating or from the mother via shared blood circulation to the unborn puppies.

In fact, the heat-loving sandfly also exists in Germany, but not very widely.

They exist in regionally limited occurrences - for example in Baden-Württemberg along the Rhine Graben and in Rhineland-Palatinate in the Kaiserslautern and Saarbrücken area. The sand flies are not introduced here, but are natural populations.

As the climate warms, sand flies are expected to spread further and further north.

With early and adequate treatment, a leishmaniasis-positive dog can live a largely symptom-free life and reach a long life.

If these diseases have not been raging in the dog's system forever, there are successful treatment options that can help!

Without excessive treatment methods!!

We often feel that the topic of motion sickness is often viewed extremely negatively - even by people

Information portals and doctors who should strive for neutrality instead of stirring up fear.



The way to scare people!!

Whether your dog or cat has diarrhea or not, whether it shows symptoms or not, there is Panacur or Metronidazole.

The instructions follow: All places and all lying areas where the infected animal has been must be disinfected with hot steam or chemical agents; All pillows and upholstery have to go into the washing machine, and not just once.

A huge effort. You can start to despair.

This is exactly how you create panic. What is prescribed and ordered must not be questioned; it is the absolute truth, the only solution to the problem.

There's one more thing: You can become infected with Giardia yourself. Yes, this is possible, but only happens in very rare cases.

You would like to get rid of your pet straight away.

The truth !!

It is estimated that up to 70% of all dogs are infected.

This has probably always been the case, but it just wasn't possible to prove it exactly before.

In our experience, once a dog has Giardia, he will not be able to get rid of it for the rest of his life. He must learn to live in peace with them. You do not need a laboratory test to diagnose acute giardiasis. You can see and smell it. The feces are slimy, thin and have a pitifully putrid-sweet smell.

Anyone who is in a panic, blindly follows the instructions of "qualified" people. And regardless of whether the dog has solid stool, i.e. is not sick, or has diarrhea, it is treated with chemical agents.

The healthy dog often becomes sick and the one with diarrhea is not healthy. After using the active ingredients fenbendazole or metronidazole, dogs without symptoms, i.e. healthy dogs, often only now have diarrhea, and in others it often gets worse.

What follows? Antibiotics. And because they don't solve the problem, people then claim that the dog has food allergies. He needs special food from now on.

If the special food doesn't help, cortisone is used. Cortisone is often the beginning of the end.

Sometimes we feel like we are reading a report about the spread of the plague,

when it comes to Mediterranean diseases or Giardia.

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