Adoption Read More

We are very happy that you would like to adopt a dog from animal welfare into your family!

We offer unbeatable service in the industry. Our goal is perfect results and the satisfaction of our customers is always our top priority. We are proud of that.

Please keep in mind!!

We describe each individual dog to the best of our knowledge and belief.

Before coming to us, a dog may have lived on the street, been abandoned, kept in a shed or perhaps on a balcony, or been left largely to its own devices for a long time.

Only a few dogs have truly lived as part of a family before. Many were neglected, poorly cared for, perhaps even beaten or otherwise mistreated.

Dogs generally adapt quickly to a new environment, but you still need to give the new family member the time they need to settle into their new life, and you also need to take enough time to help your pet without them to overwhelm.

Before adopting, you should always ask yourself:

Do all family members really agree to take in the animal and fully support the decision?

Are you sure no one in the family is allergic to dogs or cats?

Do you have the time to look after your new family member and keep them busy so that they are busy and happy and don't start redesigning your home out of frustration?

Are you willing and able to shoulder the financial burden of owning a pet for many years to come?

Does the animal you want really fit into your life in terms of character traits, age and breed-typical disposition? Don't let cute button eyes or the world's greatest fuzzy fur tempt you into making a decision that you (and the animal) might end up regretting!

An animal enriches your life immensely, but it also brings limitations, for example when it comes to planning your vacation. Are you prepared to make concessions for the sake of the animal and always think about the animal's well-being?

If you live in rent: Does your landlord allow you to keep a dog or cat? Be sure to get written confirmation; other dogs already in the household do not have to be a guarantee that the landlord will welcome new dogs at any time.

And last but not least: Will you still be able and willing to take responsibility for your animal if your life situation changes? A change of residence or partner or a desire to have children at a later date should never be a reason to abandon a long-standing family member. Our animals have already experienced this and we hope that they never have to experience something like this again.

If you are interested in adopting one of our protégés, we look forward to hearing from you.

We would be happy to answer any further questions you may have.

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